
Depends on the Assembly and quality workflow (for determining the Sequence Types). The genotyping results depend on the quality assessment performed on the mapping to the reference genomes, thus each time genotyping is performed, a Multiqc report is available in quality/multiqc/mapping_to_{ref}/multiqc_report.html and the contamination results in contamination/distances_formated.xlsx for each sample.


  • minimum_coverage_for_calling: minimum of coverage for considering a genomic position when counting differences between samples. Any position (whether the genotype is identical to the reference, ie GT=0 in the vcf, or different, ie GT=1) having a lower coverage will be masked.
  • minimum_alternate_fraction_for_calling: minimum ratio of observations favouring an alternative allele over observations favouring the reference allele. Any position (GT=0 or GT=1) not meeting this criteria will also be masked.
  • snp_threshold: pairs of samples having less than this number of SNP differences will be linked in the final minimum spanning tree
  • minimum_spanning_tree_size: size of the minimum spanning tree image, default is 10
  • phylogeny_image_size: size of the phylogeny image, default is 800
  • species

Available Genotypers

Genotyping can be performed with two different softwares:

Calculating differences


Calculating differences between pairs of samples and samples and reference

After the filtering has been performed, differences in snps are calculated between samples and against the reference. Every comparison is pairwise. At each position, if any of the two genotype is unknown because of the filtering (GT="."), this position will not be counted as a difference. Once every distances have been computed, they are agregated in a single file, transformed to a matrix and finally to a minimum spanning tree image with the igraph R package.



Steps to create phylogeny from the filtered genotype positions

After the filtering has been performed, the SNPs of each samples are replaced in the reference fasta file. However, the unknown positions are replace with N. Every sequence is then concatenated and a simple phylogeny is calculated with RAxML, without partitions, with the GTRCAT model.


The wildcard {snp_caller} in the following result files can have two values: freebayes_joint_genotyping or gatk_gvcfs.

  • typing/{snp_caller}/cgMLST/bwa/distances_in_snp_mst_no_st.svg: minimum spanning tree of the distance in snps between every sample over the core genome as defined by ridom or enterobase. Available species and values for reference genomes are listed in the files in data/core_genome_dbs/.
  • If the species under consideration has a multiple locus sequence type available, typing/{snp_caller}/cgMLST/bwa/distances_in_snp_mst_with_st.svg can be generated with each sample colored by its Sequence Type.
  • phylogeny/{snp_caller}/cgMLST/bwa/phylogeny_no_st.svg: a phylogeny based on the alignments of the core SNPs, using RAxML. Available species and values for reference genomes are listed in the files in data/core_genome_dbs/.
  • If the species under consideration has a multiple locus sequence type available, phylogeny/{snp_caller}/cgMLST/bwa/phylogeny_with_st.svg can be generated with each sample tagged with its Sequence Type.
  • Phylogenies can also be generated over the full sequence of the reference used for mapping, for instance by calling phylogeny/{snp_caller}/full_genome_{reference_id}/bwa/phylogeny_with_st.svg
  • If you do not want or cannot use core genome schemes, typing/{snp_caller}/full_genome_33148/bwa/distances_in_snp_mst_no_st.svg will show the minimum spanning tree over the full genome of the assembly ID 33148 (S. aureus COL genome from NCBI).
  • If you want to genotype with mapping over one of your own sequenced sample, typing/{snp_caller}/full_genome_S10_assembled_genome/bwa/distances_in_snp_mst_no_st.svg will show the minimum spanning tree when mapping onto the sample called S10.