Core genome determination

Core genomes can be calculated by three different means. Core genomes definition from ridom and enterobase are already included in the Docker image, in the folder /home/pipeline_user/core_genomes/cgMLST, and the references they use in /home/pipeline_user/references/.


cgMLST scheme from ridom can be extracted directly for theses species

Available cgMLST schemes from ridom
Species Taxonomy ID Ridom ID Reference genome assembly ID
Acinetobacter_baumannii 470 3956907 39528
Enterococcus_faecium 1352 991893 526908
Klebsiella_pneumoniae 573 2187931 31388
Listeria_monocytogenes 1639 690488 264498
Legionella_pneumophila 446 1025099 30068
Mycobacterium_tuberculosis 1773 741110 538048
Staphylococcus_aureus 1280 141106 33148
Clostridioides_difficile 1496 3560802 6374038

A bed file is constructed from the locus target file, using coordinates from the start and length columns of the csv file file available on the ridom website.


snakemake --snakefile $pipeline_folder/workflows/core_genome/make_ridom.rules \
core_genomes/cgMLST/Staphylococcus_aureus.bed \
--use-conda --conda-prefix $conda_folder

will create a BED file in core_genomes/cgMLST/Staphylococcus_aureus.bed which defines the core genomic regions in the genome of the assembly ID 33148 (Staphylococcus aureus COL).


cgMLST scheme from enterobase is available for:

Available cgMLST schemes from enterobase
Species Taxonomy ID Enterobase ID Reference genome assembly ID Scheme
Escherichia_coli 562 ESCwgMLST 79781 cgMLSTv1
Salmonella_enterica 28901 SALwgMLST 359488 cgMLSTv1

A bed file for each reference genome, based on the locus tags present in this genome, is constructed. For instance, over the 3002 loci of the Salmonella cgMLSTv1, 69 come from a different genome than the reference 359488. For E. coli, only 15 loci are missing for the reference assembly (79781), out of 2498.


snakemake --snakefile $pipeline_folder/workflows/core_genome/make_enterobase.rules \
core_genomes/cgMLST/Salmonella_enterica.bed \
--use-conda --conda-prefix $conda_folder

will create a BED file in core_genomes/cgMLST/Salmonella_enterica.bed defining the core genomic regions in the genome of the assembly ID 359488 (Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium str. D23580).


For species unavailable on either resource, core genome can be calculated using parsnp and the complete genomes of the species available on RefSeq. As ParSNP is not available on bioconda, the binary must be downloaded from the ParSNP website and placed in your $PATH.


snakemake --snakefile $pipeline_folder/workflows/core_genomes/make_parsnp.rules \
core_genome/parsnp/Morganella_morganii/parsnp.xmfa \
--use-conda --conda-prefix $conda_folder

will calculate the core genome with parSNP with every complete genome of Morganella morganii available in RefSeq.

If you wish to create a new parSNP core genome definition with the Docker image (that include the parsnp binary), do not link any references or core_genomes from your working directory.